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Squarespace: Make Folder Not Clickable

With most Squarespace Templates, you cannot click Folder Title.

However, there are also some templates, when clicking on the folder title, it will redirect to the first folder item.
If you want to disable this, and make the folder not clickble, you can use the code below.

  • Add code to Home > Design  > Custom CSS
  • Send me a message if you have any questions/the code doesn’t work (free).
  • You can send a donation if this is helpful for you 😉


Bedford Template

Include: Anya, Bedford, Bryant, Hayden, Bedford

/* disable folder title click */
.folder-toggle {
    pointer-events: none;

Brine Template Family

Include: Aria, Basil, Blend, Brine, Burke, Cacao, Clay, Custom Template, Ethan, Fairfield, Feed, Foster, Greenwich, Hatch, Heights, Hunter, Hyde, Impact, Jaunt, Juke, Keene, Kin, Lincoln, Maple, Margot, Marta, Mentor, Mercer, Miller, Mojave, Moksha, Motto, Nueva, Pedro, Polaris, Pursuit, Rally, Rover, Royce, Sofia, Sonny, Sonora, Stella, Thorne, Vow, Wav, West, Brine.

/* disable folder click */
a.Header-nav-folder-title {
    pointer-events: none;


Include: Farro, Haute

/* disable folder title click */
.Header-nav-folder-title {
    pointer-events: none;


/* disable title click */
#nav .folder>a {
    pointer-events: none;


/* disable folder click */
.folder-parent>a {
    pointer-events: none;

Pacific Template

Include:  Bryler, Charlotte, Fulton, Horizon, Naomi, Pacific

label.folder-toggle-label {
    pointer-events: none;

16 thoughts on “Squarespace: Make Folder Not Clickable”

  1. Thanks for this!
    I used
    label.folder-toggle-label {
    pointer-events: none;
    but on mobile I don’t wan this to happen 🙁
    what would the mobile fix be?

  2. Hello Tuan
    I’m trying to make a folder a non-link but with no success
    (the site is half in english and half french and is being translated)

    I want to make the folder Ressources a non-link.

    I’ve tried this code but it doesn’t work.

    /* make folder not click */
    {pointer-events: none;
    cursor: default;

    Any suggestions?

    • Hi. I see resources not clickable here. You want to make it not click or can click??
      Also, you haven’t changed SEO Title so some pages, browser tab name still shows “General 2”

  3. Hi,
    I am trying to make a sub page in my menu not clickable. It is already inside a folder so I want to make a page that will act as a “sub-heading” that you cannot click on.

    Under “Solutions” I want to add a “Services” page that will be a heading (and not clickable) above Assessment… etc.

    Thanks for the help!


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