In this post, we will share some custom code (CSS) to add a slash “/” between Navigation Items in Squarespace 7.0 and Squarespace 7.1.
1. All CSS should be insert to Home > Design > Custom CSS. See how to insert CSS
2. If you want to apply for only desktop or mobile, use this
/* Only Table - Desktop */ @media screen and (min-width:641px) { Paste CSS here } /* Only Mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:640px) { paste custom CSS here }
3. Send me a message or comment below if the code doesn’t work on your site
4. Some templates do not have code, because I think they are not suitable for slash
.main-nav ul li:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
nav#main-navigation ul li:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Bedford: Anya, Bedford, Bryant, Hayden, Bedford
#mainNavigation>div:not(:last-child)>a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; } /* For dropdown menu */ #mainNavigation .folder-toggle:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Brine: Aria, Basil, Blend, Brine, Burke, Cacao, Clay, Custom Template, Ethan, Fairfield, Feed, Foster, Greenwich, Hatch, Heights, Hunter, Hyde, Impact, Jaunt, Juke, Keene, Kin, Lincoln, Maple, Margot, Marta, Mentor, Mercer, Miller, Mojave, Moksha, Motto, Nueva, Pedro, Polaris, Pursuit, Rally, Rover, Royce, Sofia, Sonny, Sonora, Stella, Thorne, Vow, Wav, West, Brine.
.Header-nav-item:not(:last-child):after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; } /* Dropdown Items */ .Header-nav-folder-title:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Farro: Farro, Haute
Same as Brine
nav#main-navigation>ul>li:not(:last-child)> a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; } /* For dropdown menu */ nav#main-navigation .folder-toggle:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
ul#nav>li:not(:last-child)>a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
#topNav .main-nav ul li:not(:last-child) a span:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
#topNav #nav>li:not(:last-child)>a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
#topNav .main-nav ul>li:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Montauk: Julia, Kent, Montauk, OM
Same as Momentum
#navBlock .main-nav ul>li:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Pacific: Bryler, Charlotte, Fulton, Horizon, Naomi, Pacific
#mainNavigation>div:not(:last-child)>a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Skye: Foundry, Indigo, Ready, Skye, Tudor
No need
No need
Tremont: Camino, Carson, Henson, Tremont
#mainNavigation>div:not(:last-child)>a span:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
No need
#topNav .main-nav ul>li:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
York: Artesia, Flores, Harris, Jasper, Jones, Lange, Shibori, Taylor, York
.site-navigation>div:not(:last-child)>a span:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }
Squarespace 7.1
.header-nav-item:not(:last-child) a:after { content: " /"; color: red; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; }