Some CSS ID/Class for Brine template.
Brine template includes:
- Aria, Basil, Blend, Brine, Burke, Cacao, Clay, Custom Template, Ethan, Fairfield, Feed, Foster, Greenwich, Hatch, Heights, Hunter, Hyde, Impact, Jaunt, Juke, Keene, Kin, Lincoln, Maple, Margot, Marta, Mentor, Mercer, Miller, Mojave, Moksha, Motto, Nueva, Pedro, Polaris, Pursuit, Rally, Rover, Royce, Sofia, Sonny, Sonora, Stella, Thorne, Vow, Wav, West
In this post
- header: header.Header
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Blog (List)
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- title: .BlogList-item-title
- author: .Blog-meta-item–author
- date: time.Blog-meta-item.Blog-meta-item–date
- excerpt: .BlogList-item-excerpt
- read more: a.BlogList-item-readmore
Blog (Detail)
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- author/date: same as above
- title: h1.BlogItem-title
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- next: .BlogItem-pagination-link-label
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Shop Page
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- image: .ProductList-outerImageWrapper
Product (Detail)
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- breadcrumb: .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb
- title: h1.ProductItem-details-title
- price: .product-price
- excerpt: .ProductItem-details-excerpt p
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- add to cart button: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper
- sharing icons: .ProductItem-details-share
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