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Squarespace: Portfolio Page Lightbox

#1. First, you need to find the Portfolio item URL.

In my example, we will have:

  • /portfolio01/project-one-ephnc-ra6kt
  • /portfolio01/project-two-llrgk-y6r72
  • /portfolio01/project-three-8zgh7-cw24f
  • /portfolio01/project-four-yjynj-3ft5b
  • /portfolio01/project-five-jkmzy-8756a



#2. Install Lightbox Plugin, plugin will give you some code to add to Code Injection Header/Footer, like this.



#3. Use this code to Code Injection > Footer (above plugin code)

<script src=""></script>


#4. Note


#5. If you see Lightbox Background is transparent, you can use this code to Code Injection – Footer to fix it.

.wm-popup-wrapper {
    background-color: #fff;


#6. Result.

When clicking the item on the Portfolio Page, it will open a lightbox with detailed content.



1 thought on “Squarespace: Portfolio Page Lightbox”

  1. hi I followed the steps outlined but it only opens one Lightbox. then when I click on another project it doesn’t load. It only works once. The only thing that helps is if I reload the entire page then I can open 1 Lightbox before it stops working again. do you know why it does this? maybe something in the Lightbox css code that blocks it from loading more then once?


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