Julia Template: An elegant style and layout help you celebrate weddings and other big occasions with this adaptable website template.
In this post
1. Adding Custom CSS to Home > Design > Custom CSS
2. Adding !important to after, if CSS doesn’t work! for example: font-size: 20px !important;
3. If it still doesn’t work, send me a message via Contact Form with your site url. I’ll give you exact CSS..
4. How to find Page ID: https://beaverhero.com/squarespace-how-to/
body#collection-56d86c682b8dde72910d59bd is Page ID. Each page will have different ID
Site Title Color
Entire Site
.site-title h1.logo a { color: #ff0000 !important; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 .site-title h1.logo a { color: #ff0000 !important; }
Disable Site Title Link
Entire Site
.site-title h1.logo a { pointer-events: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 .site-title h1.logo a { pointer-events: none; }
Remove Site Title
Entire Site
.site-title h1.logo a { display: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 .site-title h1.logo a { display: none; }
Navigation Hover Color
.page-collection a:hover { color: #ff0000 !important; }
Remove Navigation Underline
.page-collection a:hover { border: none !important; }
Remove Navigation
Entire Site
.main-nav { display: none !important; } div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 .main-nav { display: none !important; } body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
Change word “Menu”
div#mobileMenuLink a { visibility: hidden; } div#mobileMenuLink a:after { visibility: visible; content: "View Menu"; font-size: 15px; color: #ff0000; display: block; }
Remove Menu Button (Mobile)
Entire Site
div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
Menu Under Site Title (Mobile)
@media screen and (max-width:640px) { div#canvas { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } header#header { order: 1; } div#mobileMenuLink { order: 2; } div#mobileNav { order: 3; } section#page { order: 4; } footer#footer { order: 5; } }
Remove Header
Entire Site
header#header { display: none; } div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 header#header { display: none; } body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 div#mobileMenuLink { display: none; }
Footer Background Color
Entire Site
footer#footer { background: #f1f2f3; }
One Page
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Footer Fullwidth
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Remove Footer
Entire Site
footer#footer { display: none; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 footer#footer { display: none; }
Site Background Color
Entire Site
body { background: #f1f2f3; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 { background: #f1f2f3; }
Site Background Image
Entire Site
body { background-image: url(https://beaverhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/coffee-beans-1082116_640-min.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 { background-image: url(https://beaverhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/coffee-beans-1082116_640-min.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; }
Page Background Color
Entire Site
div#canvas { background: #f1f2f3; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 div#canvas { background: #f1f2f3; }
Page Background Image
Entire Site
#canvas { background-image: url(https://beaverhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/coffee-beans-1082116_640-min.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; }
One Page
body#collection-53dbee1ae4b0475b8bba6e03 #canvas { background-image: url(https://beaverhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/coffee-beans-1082116_640-min.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; }
Featured Image: Squarespace.com