Some CSS ID/Class in Avenue template Squarespace.
The code is checked on Avenue demo template at
In this post
- site title: .site-title .logo a
- tagline: .logo-subtitle
- logo: .logo-image .logo img
- navigation: #topNav nav
- navigation items: #topNav nav li a
- mobile menu text: #mobileMenuLink a
- mobile navigation: #mobileNav
- mobile navigation items: #mobileNav nav ul li a
- header: header#header
- footer: footer#footer
- footer links: footer#footer a
Blog List
- blog list page: .collection-type-blog.view-list
- blog title: h1.entry-title a
- blog date: time.published
- share text: .ss-social-button
- like count:
- like icon: .sqs-simple-like .like-icon
- blog post item: .collection-type-blog.view-list article
- sidebar: aside#sidebar
- sidebar blog title: aside#sidebar .summary-title-link
- sidebar blog date: aside#sidebar time.summary-metadata-item.summary-metadata-item–date
Blog Detail
- blog detail page: .collection-type-blog.view-item
- blog title: h1.entry-title a
- blog date: time.published
- share text: .ss-social-button
- like count:
- like icon: .sqs-simple-like .like-icon
- pagination: .collection-type-blog .pagination
- pagination text: .collection-type-blog .pagination a
- pagination next: .next-item
- pagination pre: .prev-item
- sidebar: aside#sidebar
- sidebar blog title: aside#sidebar .summary-title-link
- sidebar blog date: aside#sidebar time.summary-metadata-item.summary-metadata-item–date
Work List Page (Index)
- list page: .collection-type-index.view-list
- item: #projectThumbs .project
- title: #projectThumbs .project .project-title
- image: #projectThumbs .project img
Work Detail Page (Index item)
- detail page: .collection-type-index.view-list.index-page-open
- image: #projectPages .image-list .image>img
- titlte: #projectPages h2.project-title
- description: .project-description
- back to work: .page-open #projectPages .project-controls #projectNav+a
- prev/next: .page-open #projectPages .project-controls #projectNav
- related project: .page-open #projectThumbs .project
- homepage: .homepage
Shop Page
- shop page: .collection-type-products.view-list
- category filter: .category-nav
- category filter item: .category-nav li a
- product: #productList .product
- product name: #productList .product .product-title
- product image: #productList .product .product-image img
- price: #productList .product .product-price
Product Detail Page
- product detail page: .collection-type-products.view-item
- back to products: div#productNav
- product name: #productDetails .product-title
- price: #productDetails .product-price
- description: .product-excerpt
- add to cart text: .sqs-add-to-cart-button-inner
- add to cart button: .sqs-add-to-cart-button
- share: .product-social-sharing .product-sharing
- gallery image: #productGallery
- additional descripiton: .product-description
Cart Page
- cart page: body#cart
- cart title: .cart-title
- item label: span.CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 span
- qty. label: span.CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 span
- price label: span.CartTable-itemLabel-3zzV1 span
- x icon: .CartTableRow-itemRemove-6Q3nP button span
- product name: .CartTableRow-itemTitle-1MDgZ a
- product image: .CartTableRow-imageBg-97RUm
- qty input: input.QuantityInput-stopped-2BFKB
- price: .CartTableRow-itemPrice-26eXS
- subtotal label: .CartTable-subtotalLabel-3qWE9
- subtotal price: .CartTable-subtotalPrice-2JFeD
- checkout button: body .checkout button.CheckoutButton-checkoutButton-3yWY2
- checkout text: body .checkout button.CheckoutButton-checkoutButton-3yWY2 span