Adirondack Template CSS ID List
Some CSS ID/Class for Adirondack Template.
Aviator Template CSS ID List
Some CSS ID/Class name for Aviator Template.
Avenue CSS ID List
Some CSS Class/ID for Avenue Template.
Squarespace Templates: Testimonials
Using Markdown Blocks to create Testimonials. Simple, Slider…
Squarespace Templates: Logos
Show your clients logo with beautiful Markdown Block.
Squarespace Templates: Social Icons
How to make Social Icons beautiful. Use different social icons on different pages.
Squarespace Templates: Image Boxes
Some Image Boxes with Image Block, Markdown Block.
(Fonts free) George – Classic Typeface
George Font. You can use this font for free for commercial use.
Squarespace Templates: Team
Squarespace: Free Team templates with Markdown Block, Image Block. Simple to Complex.
Squarespace: 2 websites on Same Subscription
Make 2 websites on same subscription, with different headers, navigations and logo link.
Remove Quantity in Squarespace
Remove Quantity from: Product block, Product detail, products belong certain category/tag, shopping cart page.
Squarespace: Make Folder Not Clickable
Make Folder title not clickabe and don’t redirect to first items in dropdown.